Sodus Train Crash – 1906 – Page

Two locomotives collided near the Sodus train station in December, 1906.

This story is in The Sodus Record Dec 21,1906. The accident happened on Wednesday of that week at 6:10 am

A disastrous wreck occurred on the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg railway in this village at 6.10 a. m. Wednesday, when a head end collision resulted in demolishing  three locomotives, three box cars and injuring three men. Fast freight No. 25, eastbound, had orders to meet fast freight No. 26, westbound, at Sodus. The first named train had reached the switch just west of the depot when the westbound train  came tearing up the main track at a speed of at least forty miles an hour and crashed into her. Engineer John Riley and Fireman D. J. Collins of the eastbound train saw what was going to happen and jumped, after Mr. Biley had blown the danger signal. Not a man on the eastbound train was hurt. Engineer Jasper Dowd of Oswego, who is, by the way, a cousin of J. T. and E. N. Pearsall, was on the first engine of the westbound train with M. F. Smith of the same city for fireman. The last named looked up just in time to see that in two seconds there was going to be a wreck, and he leaped instantly from the cab window and landed on the embankment. A slight hurt to his knee was the only resulting injury. Mr. Dowd was not so fortunate. He remained in the cab. He was marvelously saved from being crushed to death, but was bruised and somewhat scalded. Engineer Bartlett of Watertown and Fireman Jessie H. Pond of Mexico, on the second engine of the westbound train, were both caught under the wreckage, but  were soon released by Fireman Smith of the engine ahead. Mr. Bartlett was finally taken to the Myers hospital. Ha was painfully  bruised in many places and had a broken arm. Mr. Smith was not quite so badly Injured, not having any broken bones. He was cared for at the home of Station Agent Hyde. The second engine on the westbound train was practically a total wreck. The other two locomotives were smashed to such an extent that it will take thousands of dollars to place them in shape again. By noon three wrecking trains had reached Sodus and they succeeded in clearing the track so the westbound mail could pass about 2:30 p. m. The officials state  that the accident was due to the failure of a young man named Milton in the Wallington station to deliver an order to the westbound train to meet the eastbound  freight at Sodus.

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