Photo courtesy Reliant Community Credit Union
Appeared Before Great Crowd Yesterday Afternoon
Progressives Enthusiastic Over Success of Meeting
The greatest political meeting ever held in northern Wayne County was conducted by the Progressives in Sodus yesterday. Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt making the gathering notable.
In six minutes after the doors of the New Opera House were opened there was not a vacant seat. On the stage were over 100 chairs, increasing the seating capacity to 900. Fully 300 more crowded in the theatre.
The Williamson Corner Band arrived early and enlivened things with splendid music.
J. L. Transue, the Williamson banker, was chairman of the meeting and he made a good one. Rev. Lane of Sodus Point offered prayer. The Guest speaker was Earle Warner, of Phelps, nominee for senator on the Progressive and Democratic tickets in this district. He spoke well and was received enthusiastically.
Chairman Transue introduced Hon. C.J. Ennis of Lyons, just as Senator Newcomb, one of the handful of senators who supported Governor Hughes in a loyal manner, arrived. Mr. Ennis immediately turned the tables by introducing Mr. Newcomb, who made a ratting good speech. He stated that he remained with the Republican party until this campaign, but he had become so disgusted with Barnes control of the party that his sense of honor caused him to turn to the Progressives.
After Senator Newcomb finished speaking Mr. Ennis was called and he gave a good account of himself.
Owing to bad roads the Roosevelt party was delayed considerably. The audience was very patient, however. When Mr. Roosevelt arrived, he was given a splendid reception in the street and a rousing one as soon as he entered the theatre. By that time fully another hundred people had squeezed in. Hundreds more were unable to secure admittance, and had to content themselves with simply seeing the former executive.
Senator Davenport, Progressive candidate for governor, spoke first. He is clean cut and made a favorable impression. He explained the by-partisan boss rule of the state and appealed for the support of honest government.
Great was the interest in Roosevelt. It was the first time so great a man had ever visited Sodus or any town in northern Wayne County. The great majority drank in every word he said. He spoke first on national politics, showing how difficult it was for him when president to keep the politicians off.
He then took up state matters and told of the alliance between Barnes and Murphy, and how they kept the honest citizens of the state apart by appealing to party loyalty – which was only loyalty to two rotten machines, working as one.
He praised Davenport and said that he and each man on the Progressive ticket could not be controlled in the least by any boss. He appealed to the voters to support the Progressive ticket and deal a blow at both Barnes and Murphy.
Col. Roosevelt’s secretary endeavored to have him stop talking, but he still continued. Finally, the secretary told him they simply must go and he apparently ended his speech reluctantly.
Col. Roosevelt, Mr. Davenport and Senator Newcomb stated that they were delighted with the reception in Sodus. It was a great day politically.
Sodus, with the aid of hundreds from all parts of the county, has entertained the most noted man in the world, and years from now the boys and girls will relate how they saw and heard this most famous man.
( article taken from Sodus Record, Wayne Co., N.Y., October 19, 1914 )