What was life like in Sodus Center during the Civil War? Find out through a 47 minute presentation that tells the story of this hamlet…

Everyone’s Hero: Prince Nelson! Read about this early 1900s dare devil from Joy, NY by clicking the link below: https://townofsodushistoricalsociety.org/hamlets/joy/prince-nelson-page/

Read about this 1906 train crash in Sodus by clicking the link below: https://townofsodushistoricalsociety.org/villages/sodus/sodus-train-crash-1906/

The Town of Sodus Mural consists of 8 images representing the five hamlets and two villages contained within the Township. The area contains the hamlets: …

Read about the Alton United Methodist Church (Alton) circa 1855 by clicking the link below: https://townofsodushistoricalsociety.org/hamlets/alton/alton-united-methodist-church-circa-1855/

For a list of deceased Town of Sodus veterans, what war they fought in and where they are buried, click the link below: http://www.historicsoduspoint.com/the-battles/town-of-sodus-deceased-veterans-lists/